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New Rental Program: Now You Can Protect Your Bike for Less Than $10 a Month! Zero risk program. Learn more: Tour our website. Return the device and end the rental at any time.
View Product How it works"A pretty impressive product. It's sold as a cycling security device, but you could toss it into a backpack or put it under your car seat."
"I'm a HUGE fan! I've been using the device for upwards of a year and I'm still thrilled with it. There is nothing like Boomerang on the market at all. It works flawlessly and give me amazing peace of mind."
– John W., Tampa, FL
"100% effective. Every bike theft attempt with a Cyclotrac deterred the thief in our study."
– From a police department field test
"Peace of mind... as a bike rider in San Francisco, I've always been afraid of leaving my bike parked anywhere, regardless of the lock used. Boomerang give me peace of mind knowing that if someone tampers with my bike I will know about it right away. I highly recommend Boomerang as an additional layer of protection.
– Tom P., San Francisco
"My first e-bike got stolen [before Boomerang]. Boomerang is an effective deterrent and if your bike does get stolen, you can track it."
Watch more customer reviews & testimonial videos here.
Boomerang Cyclotrac V2. Works worldwide. Audible deterrent alarm + GPS tracker + crash detection safety device in one.